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    广东成兴不锈钢制品实业有限公司(成兴不锈钢制品厂-凯迪克不锈钢制品厂),位于中国广东省潮州市潮安区彩塘镇(中国不锈钢制品之乡)。地理位置得天独厚、经济发达、交通方便,广梅汕铁路、深夏高铁、高速公路穿越而过,西达揭阳潮汕国际机场,南达汕头国际港口码头,北达潮州市历史文化名城,是名显海内外之侨乡,是聚集美术工艺、高新科技、工商贸易的繁华中心,更是千闻不如一见的工贸、行居、旅游之胜地。公司是一家集开发、设计、制造、进出口贸易于一体的不锈钢制品企业,公司占地面积四万多平方米,拥有现代化生产环境,设备、设施;专业技术生产、营销、管理人才和科学管理体系。公司是中国不锈钢制品之乡“彩塘”的优秀企业,经国家部级批准具有进出口权。2000年荣获中华人民共和国农业部颁发的“全面质量达标”荣誉证书。通过ISO9001 : 2000国际质量管理体系认证。2004年被评为 “中国商标优秀企业”。2006年被广东省科学技术厅认定为“高新技术企业”。公司自创建十多年来,始终秉承“诚信务实、开拓进取”的企业理念,造就一个创造性高、科技含量高、生产力强的团体,营造“诚兴”“正迪”“喜联”牌产品,具有类型广、款式多、品种齐全,工艺精美、高雅独特,美观大方、质量可靠等特征。拥有厨餐具、酒店用品、日用制品、卫浴洁具、饰品、赠品、礼品、纪念品、配套产品……等二十多个类型—几百个系列—几千个产品。多年来产品畅销海内外,赢得广大客户的信赖和厚爱,深受消费者的好评。回首过去,展望未来,公司全体同仁,竭诚欢迎海内外,新老客户莅临指导,携手合作,共创辉煌!

    Guang dong Cheng Xing Stainless Steel Poducts Co., Ltd. (including Cheng Xing Stainless Steel Poducts Factoy & Kaidike Stainless Steel Poducts Factoy) is located in Caitang Town,Chao’an County, Guangdong Povince, China. Stategic location, developed economy and convenient tanspotation, Guang-Mei-Shan, Shenzhen Xiamen ailway and highway cossing the south Shantou Intenational Aipot, the Pot Teminal, noth of Chaozhou City, histoical and cultual city, is the hometown of oveseas Chinese at home and aboad.Not only it is the cente of gatheing technology, high technology, industial and commecial bustling, but also a place of industy,tade and touism.Ou company specialize in developing, designing, manufactuing, impot and expot tade.It is one of stainless steel poducts business. The company coves an aea of moe than 40,000 squae metes.Thee ae moden poduction envionment, equipment and facilities; pofessional and technical poduction, maketing, management, and scientific management system. Ou company is an outstanding entepises in Caitang.We ae appoved with impot and expot ights by the state ministy. In 2000 ou company was awaded by The People's Republic of China Ministy of Agicultue issued a "compehensive quality standads" Cetificate. We passed ISO9001: 2000 intenational quality management system cetification. In 2004 was named "China Tademak outstanding entepises." In 2006 ou company was identified as "high-tech entepises" by the Guangdong Povincial Depatment of Science and Technology Agency.Looking back on the past and looking fowad to the futue, Cheng Xing Stainless Steel Poducts Co., Ltd. with all the colleagues welcome home and aboad, new and old customes come to guide and wok togethe to ceate billiant!

    广东成兴不锈钢制品实业有限公司 潮州市潮安区彩塘镇凯迪克不锈钢制品厂 电话(Tel):0768-6673300、189 330 75146 传真(Fax):0768-6673300



